OpenPlant PID Help

Build New Component - Step 6

Follow the steps below to create a tool and icon for the new component.

  1. Select a DGN Library from the list where the tool will be stored.
  2. Enter the name of the tool in the field above the class tree to the right.
    Note: The Display Label defined in Step 1 displays as the default tool name.
  3. Select a base class in the tree for the new tool.
  4. Enable the Use component as icon option if you plan to use the component's image as the icon.


    If you have create a custom icon for the component, disable the Use component as icon option and Browse to the directory where the icon file is stored.

  5. Select a color for the new icon using the Color palette.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. The Customize dialog will be launched to assist you in placing the new tool in the desired taskbar or menu. A new icon may also be assigned to the tool in this dialog.